; nLite Russian language template for version 0.99b (updated 03.10.'04)
; Translation guidelines:
; Before starting to translate contact me so that i can write you up for that specific language in order that you don't do what someone else has already started.
; If you don't want to translate certain line then delete it, don't leave id.
; Copy file to nlite's LANG folder with LANG extension. Name of the file will be in the list so name it properly.
; Write strings in one line, if you want a new line type |.
; Feel free to contact me if you think that something could be better written.
: contact - nuhi@softhome.net (nuhi)
TransName="Sergio Capuchini"
S005="Закрыть nLite ?"
S006="Закрыть помошник ?"
S008="nLite приветствует Вас!"
S009="Этот помошник поможет Вам упростить процесс установки Windows .|Поддерживаются Windows 2000, XP and 2003."
S013="Для продолжения, нажмите далее"
S015="Выбор задач"
S016="Отметьте нужные шаги"
S017="Интеграция Сервис Пака"
S018="Удаление Компонентов"
S019="Автоматизация установки"
S020="Интеграция драйверов"
S021="Интеграция обновлений"
S023="Загрузочный образ ISO"
S024="Выберите расположение установочных файлов Windows"
S027="Выберите инсталяцию Windows для изменения."
S028="Интеграция Сервис-пака в инсталяцию."
S029="Выберите сервис пак для интеграции"
S030="Сделать загрузочный диск без удаления любых компонентов."
S031=" Выбор "
S033="Сделать iso"
S034=" Отмена "
S035="Внедрить драйвера в инсталяцию"
S038="Выберите, какие компоненты вы хотите удалить из инсталяции."
S039="Удалить или сохранить дополнительные файлы"
S040="В случае, если остаются дополнительные файлы, вы можете или удалить их, или оставить."
S041="Дополнительные файлы для удаления"
S042="Не удаляемые Файлы (только в папке system32 и в cab-архивах драйверов)"
S043="Дополнительные настройки установки чтобы вам не пришлось этого делать в процессе установки"
S044="Не используйте эту закладку, если вы будете устанавливать систему с RAID/SATA дисками с использованием дискет с драйверами (опция по F6).||Эти установки будут записаны в файл unattended.ini в каталоге nlite, Осторожно, он содержит ваш CD-ключ и пароль администратора (если введен)."
S045="Автоматизация установки"
S046="* Закладки: Общие и личные должны быть заполнены их перед тем как продолжить."
S047="Предыдущие автоматические установки определены в вашей инсталляции,|они будут замещены. Снимите галку, если вы не хотите этого!"
S051="Тип компьютера"
S054="Сбор данных|| Ждите..."
S055="Автоматический Режим "
S056="Путь Windows"
S057="Автовход админа"
S058="Классическое меню пуск"
S059="Классическая тема"
S060="Выключить спящий режим"
S061="Размер Восстановления системы в процентах места на диске"
S062="Полное имя"
S063="Пароль админа"
S064="Имя Компьютера"
S066="Рабочая группа"
S067="Часовой пояс"
S068="Путь к профайлам"
S074="Удалить после установки"
S075="Горячие исправления"
S076="Интегрировать горячие исправления в инсталлятор"
S077="Изменить несколько окончательных настроек."
S079="Выберите Service Pack или 'i386\\update\\update.exe' если SP распакован"
S080="Выберите, куда записать ISO-образ"
S081="Выберите файл горячего исправления"
S082="Информация о внедренных Горячих исправлениях"
S083="Используйте только новейшие исправления, выпущенные в 2004 или новее|Например пост-sp2 Windows XP исправления.||Вы можете перетащить сразу несколько файлов."
S084="Выберите любой INF-файл из папки с драйвером для интеграции:"
S085="Информация об интегрированных драйверах"
S086="Рекомендуется выбрать для удаления тот же тип оборудования на странице компонентов.||Вам достаточно добавить только один inf-файл из нужной папки,чтобы все драйвера из папки интегрировались.||РЕЖИМ - Textmode (SCSI, RAID or SATA) или PNP.|Если это textmode драйвер и он не перечислен здесь тогда|убедитесь, что его файл txtsetup.oem находится в той же папке что и inf-файл.||Удаляются после установки только PNP драйвера из временных папок."
S087="Классический вид установки"
S088="Отключить SFC (Защиту системных файлов)"
S089="Разрешить неподписанные Темы (uxtheme patch)"
S094="Максимально количество одновременных подлючений"
S095="Удаление Alexa Spyware"
S096="Классическая Панель управления"
S097="Классический вход в Windows"
S098="Отключить предложение загружать драйвера из Интернет"
S099="Отключить предупреждение при доступе к Web"
S100="Включить службу audio"
S101="Включить службу Тем"
S102="Начать ?"
S103="Применить ?"
S105="Применение изменений в установке"
S106="Извлечение из Cab-архивов"
S107="Внедрение драйверов"
S108="Внедрение горячих исправлений"
S109="Удаление компонентов"
S110="Удаление файлов"
S111="Обработка установочных файлов"
S112="Сжатие Cab-архивов"
S113="Завершено. Размер"
S114="Уменьшено на"
S367="Если вы хотите добавить дополнительные файлы на ваш диск скопируйте их в каталог с установкой перед нажатием кнопки "Сделать образ" или просто нажмите далее, если вы сделаете образ позже сами."
S368="ISO образ успешно создан."
S369="Создание загрузочного образа. Нажмите "Создать образ" чтобы выбрать папку."
S385="Пропущен файл CD Ident !"
S386="файл CD Ident не найден, вы действительно скопировали его с оригинального CD?||Вы можете скопировать его не выходя из nLite.|||Копирование"
S389="Вы можете изменить эти атрибуты.|Но осторожно, если вы включите их в пусть к cd iso-образу,|они будут автоматически добавлены."
S390="Отключить сбор и отсылку ваших интернет-предпочтений."
S391="Отключить автоматическое восстановление удаленыых или измененных системных файлов и папок. Также предохраняет от создания пустых папок или удаленных компонентов"
S392="Использование любого визуального стиля."
S393="Используйте для сохранения раскладок удаленных языков."
S394="объединить driver.cab с sp*.cab и сохранить немного свободного места."
S395="включить поддержку звука в процессе установки Windows 2003."
S396="Включить поддержку тем в процессе установки Windows 2003|(не uxtheme hack)."
S397="Убрать сообщения и текст при установке. Все как при установке Windows 2000.|Может даже немного ускорить установку."
S398="Введите ваш cd-ключ чтобы не вводить в процессе установки."
S399="0 если точно."
S400="Если у вас меньше памяти, чем указано здесь,|измените, чтобы установка запустилась на вашей машине."
S401="Изменение пути к папке Documents and Settings. |вариаты: %SystemRoot% или C:\\Profiles например."
S402="Лучшее сжатие, ,больше мегабайт драйверов.|но более медленная распаковка при установке."
S405="Образ не создан."
S406="Пожалуйста сообщите об этой неожиданной ошибке.||Только на английском языке.||прикрепите файл settings.ini из папки с nLite's если сможете."
S408="Уменьшить требования к свободному месту на диске"
S409="Используйте чтобьы установить Windows на диски где меньше, чем нужно, свободного места."
S410="Сведения о производителе"
S411="Эта опция добавит логотип nLite в сведения о производителе в Свойствах Моего Компьютера."
S412="Эта папка с драйверами уже добавлена к интеграции."
S413="Та же папка с драйверами"
S414="Это TextMode драйвер ( SATA, RAID or SCSI ) ?||Если не уверены, нажмите Нет."
S415="TextMode драйвер ?"
S419="Информация о файле переводе"
S420="Пароли не совпадают, введите еще раз."
S422="отключить очистку после выхода из nLite"
S423="информация об использовании nLite"
S424="Эта программа не может использоваться в коммерческих продуктах.|Вы не можете вносить изменения в нее в любом случае.|Вы можете свободно перевести программу на любой язык как вам нравится используя шаблонные строки.|Чтобы не переводить то ,что кто-то уже перевел, сначала напишите мне.|Вы не можете продавать или распространять измененный инсталятор Windows.|Вы принимаете, что эта бета версия программы, и это означает что она может вести себя непредсказуемо.||Пожалуста сообщите о любых найденых ошибках."
S425="Работа по изменению завершена"
S426="Чтобы закрыть помошник,нажмите Выход."
S435="Выберите куда записать содержимое с диска для модификации.|Выберите или создайте пустую папку."
S440="Не достаточно свободного места, нужно по меньшей мере свободных 800MB ."
S448="Скрыть окна напоминаний например когда загружается профиль,|или когда при выключении говорит что записываются настройки. Лучше всего с отключенным с экраном приветствия."
S449="Включить старый вход в Windows (без списка пользователей)"
S450="Прошлый запуск"
S452="Выбрать все"
S115="Roland SoundCanvas Sound Set"
S116="This is a default Windows MIDI playback support."
S117="Звуковые карты"
S118="If you install your drivers for this component after installing Windows, or you don't install it at all, it's recommended to select."
S121="Поддержка Bluetooth"
S122="Microsoft Windows Drivers and Support for BlueTooth connectivity. If you don't have some device using this technology then it's recommended to select for removal."
S123="Мастер совместимости программ"
S124="Patch for some older applications to work correctly under Windows. Removing this will cause Event Log message reporting Application Popoup - Database Error."
S125="Выбор метода ввода"
S126="An IME is a program that allows computer users to enter complex characters and symbols, such as Japanese characters, using a standard keyboard. If your language doesn't need it, it's recommended to select for removal."
S128="If you install your drivers for this component after installing Windows, or you don't install it at all, it's recommended to select."
S129="Сетевые карты (LAN)"
S130="If you install your drivers for this component after installing Windows, or you don't install it at all, it's recommended to select."
S131="Беспроводные карты (WLAN)"
S132="If you install your drivers for this component after installing Windows, or you don't install it at all, it's recommended to select."
S133="Камеры и фотокамеры"
S134="If you install your drivers for this component after installing Windows, or you don't install it at all, it's recommended to select."
S135="Дефрагментатор диска"
S136="Basic Windows Defragmenter."
S137="Очистка диска"
S138="Enables you to remove unnecessary files or compress old ones."
S140="If you install your drivers for this component after installing Windows, or you don't install it at all, it's recommended to select."
S141="Поддержка модемов"
S142="This will remove support for even installing a modem. If you plan on using an analog modem on this pc it's not recommended."
S144="Notifies selected users and computers of administrative alerts."
S146="Enables Windows-based programs to create, access, and modify Internet-based files."
S148="Windows native CD burning support.You don't need it if you use some other software for burning CDs. Someone reported problem with the NEC 2500a dvd-burner."
S149="Поддержка принтеров"
S150="This will remove support for even installing a printer. If you plan on using a printer don't select this."
S151="Portable Audio"
S152="If you install your drivers for this component after installing Windows, or you don't install it at all, it's recommended to select."
S154="If you install your drivers for this component after installing Windows, or you don't install it at all, it's recommended to select."
S155="OS2 Posix"
S156=" "
S157="Network DDE"
S158="Provides network transport and security for Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) for programs running on the same computer or on different computers."
S160="If you install your drivers for this component after installing Windows, or you don't install it at all, it's recommended to select. But don't select it if you install virtual printer later (pdf or similiar)."
S162="If you install your drivers for this component after installing Windows, or you don't install it at all, it's recommended to select."
S164="This removes optional component in cmpnents\|etfx and dotnetfx directories. If you don't install Framework from this directories select for removal."
S165="Media Center"
S166="This removes optional component in cmpnents\\mediactr directory. If you don't install Media Center (start Windows as a home entertainment center with a simple menu) it's recommended to select for removal."
S167="Tablet PC"
S168="Software for Tablet hardware in order to ease usage with Windows Apps. If you don't use such a hardware or don't install this optional component select for removal. You won't lose Tablet Support."
S170="Manages an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) connected to the computer."
S171="Wireless Zero Configuration"
S172="Provides automatic configuration for the 802.11 adapters."
S173="Web View"
S174="Web-like view of folders."
S176="If you have some sort of SmartCard device in you computer, don't select for removal. This will remove SmartCard services too."
S177="Дополнительные шрифты"
S178="Some rarely used fonts."
S179="DR Watson"
S180="Part of Windows debugging engine."
S181="Shell Media Handler"
S182="Video thumbnail extractor and media files properties handler. In essence by removing this you'll have faster media files browsing and no more avi deleting problems but you'll lose media information display in file properties and explorer bars."
S183="Error Reporting"
S184="Allows error reporting for services and applictions running in non-standard environments."
S185="Internet Explorer Core"
S186="Big part of Internet Explorer core and main Windows component for displaying html content. It will disable some browsers using IE core (like Maxthon), Services Descriptions, CHM Help and you won't be able to ACTIVATE your Windows; so for now use this option only if you have corporate version or put mshtml.dll in keep box. Needed for System Restore."
S187="Internet Explorer"
S188="Default Windows Internet Browser. By removing this and keeping the core you can use Maxthon or some other browser using IE engine (html icon needs restoring, choose one in Folder Options/Fyle Types). Windows Update will be unaccessible."
S189="Zip Folders"
S190="Ability to see inside ZIP files as if they are folders and decompress CAB files without third party application."
S191="Internet Information Services"
S192="If you are planning to use your computer as a host for a web site or as a ftp server don't select this option."
S193="Windows Media Services"
S194="Enables you to stream digital media across networks."
S195="Message Queuing"
S196="Provides guaranteed message delivery, efficient routing, security, and transactional support."
S197="Internet Connection Wizard"
S198="Helps you set up your computer to access the Internet. This is not crucial for Internet Connection setup, it's only a Wizard. By removing this Windows Media Player will report that it doesn't have Internet connection."
S199="Дополнительные возможности"
S200="Use the Accessibility Wizard to configure your system to meet your vision, hearing, and mobility needs. If you are not impaired in any way, select for removal."
S202="If you work on a laptop computer away from your computer at the office, you can easily keep documents up-to-date on both machines."
S203="Toshiba DVD decoder card"
S204="If you install your drivers for this component after installing Windows, or you don't install it at all, it's recommended to select."
S205="Remote Registry"
S206="Enables remote users to modify registry settings on this computer. If this service is stopped, the registry can be modified only by users on this computer."
S207="Luna Theme"
S208="Default cartoonish blue theme."
S209="MS Agent"
S210="Little animated helper (for example the Blue Wizard)."
S212="Provides Automatic checkup and Update of Windows. It's not recommended to select for removal. Be careful, newest WindowsUpdate web page needs Autoupdate service up and running."
S213="IBM Thinkpad"
S214="If you install your drivers for this component after installing Windows, or you don't install it at all, it's recommended to select."
S215="Logical Disk Manager"
S216="Detects, monitors and configures hard disk drives and provides Dynamic Volume support"
S218="If you are using InfraRed devices on your computer, don't select for removal."
S220="If you install your drivers for this component after installing Windows, or you don't install it at all, it's recommended. These devices are something like: Xircom CreditCard Ethernet+Modem 28.8. Mainly Multifunction PCMCIA Device Drivers."
S221="Communication tools"
S222="MS Chat, Phone Dialer and Hyper terminal. If you don't use them, select for removal."
S223="Old CDPlayer and Sound Recorder"
S224="If you don't use them, safe to select for removal."
S225="Administration Tools Pack"
S226="This pack of tools makes the remote management of your servers easier. It's not installed by default so it's recommended to select for removal if you don't use it."
S227="Command-Line tools"
S228="In order to increase security you can remove this set of command-line tools. Worms and viruses may depend on them. If you need some of them put them into Keep Box. sfc.exe,arp.exe,at.exe,atsvc.exe,cacls.exe,cscript.exe,debug.exe,edit.comedlin.exe,finger.exe,ftp.exe,ipconfig.exe,nbtstat.exe,net.exe,netstat.exe,nslookup.exe,ping.exe,posix.exe,rcp.exe,rdisk.exe,rexec.exe,route.exe,rsh.exe,secfixup.exe,syskey.exe,telnet.exe,tftp.exe,tracert.exe,wscript.exe,xcopy.exe."
S230="игра Pinball ."
S231="Quality of Service Packet Scheduler"
S232="Providing reserved bandwidth, local traffic control and setup functionality for QoS-aware programs and control applets."
S233="Distributed Link Tracking Client"
S234="Enables client programs to track linked files that are moved within an NTFS volume, to another NTFS volume on the same computer, or to an NTFS volume on another computer."
S235="Removable Storage"
S236="Used for things like Zip or Tape Drives."
S237="Secondary Logon"
S238="Enables starting processes under alternate credentials. If this service is removed, you'll also lose 'Run As' (different user) right click option."
S239="Distributed Transaction Coordinator"
S240="Coordinates distributed transactions betweeen multiple clients, servers, and resource managers. Component Services depend on this."
S241="Background Intelligent Transfer"
S242="Transfers data between clients and servers in the background. If BITS is disabled, features such as Windows Update V5 will not work correctly and receiving files in ICQ."
S243="Web Folders"
S244="WebDAV support. WebDAV is an open Internet standard that allows clients on your PC to access files and folders on a server in much the same way as on the desktop, while actually residing on a remote server accessed via the Web."
S245="Application Layer Gateway"
S246="Provides support for 3rd party protocol plug-ins for Internet Connection Sharing and the Windows Firewall."
S247="CTF Loader"
S248="Also known as ctfmon. A service that handles the Alternative User Input Text Processor (TIP) and the Microsoft Office Language Bar. It provides text input support for speech recognition, handwriting recognition, keyboard, translation, and other alternative user input technologies. Don't remove for East Asian Languages or if you need Language bar."
S250="Provides basic network intrusion protection. If you don't have some other Firewall, it's not recommended to select for removal. Firewall Control Panel Extension will be left in order to enable you to disable it after Network Setup usage."
S251="Security Center"
S252="It notifies you for need of an AntiVirus, Firewall or Windows Update."
S254="Windows Help database, MSInfo tool and PCHealth. Needed for System Restore. Make sure to put msconfig.exe into Keep box if you don't want it to be removed with this."
S255="MSN Explorer"
S256="Simple browser for MSN network."
S258="Establishes communication with others over the internet or an intranet using voice, video, application sharing, and data conferencing."
S260="MDAC provides the underlying functionality for a number of database operations, such as connecting to remote databases and returning data to a client. Specifically, it is the MDAC component known as Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) that provides this functionality."
S262="Provides Microsoft Peer-to-Peer Networking support. (This is not needed for normal p2p applications, only Microsoft)"
S264="Universal Description, Discovery and Integration. An industry specification for publishing and locating information about Web services. It defines a standards-based way to store and retrieve information about services, service providers, binding information and technical interface definitions, all classified using a set of standard or custom classification schemes."
S265="Network Monitor"
S266="Provides network counters to Sysmon and frames to the Network Monitor Agent."
S267="Universal Plug and Play"
S268="Provides support to host Universal Plug and Play devices."
S269="Telnet Server"
S270="Allows a remote user to log on to the system and run console programs using the command line. This will not remove Telnet Client. If you wan't to remove Telnet Client as well then add telnet.exe to the adittional files to remove box."
S271="Shell Services"
S272="Themes, Fast User Switching Compatibility and Shell Hardware Detection. If you don't use these themes removing them will speed up shell response. Themes - Themes support. Shell Hardware Detection - Between other things support for proper naming your CD/DVD/RW-ROM, when removed they are all named CDROM. Fast User Switching - Logon as different user as the first one is still logged on."
S273="Terminal Services"
S274="Allows multiple users to be connected interactively to a machine as well as the display of desktops and applications to remote computers. The underpinning of Remote Desktop (including RD for Administrators), Fast User Switching, Remote Assistance, and Terminal Server. If removed there will be no indication which user is running certain process in Task Manager."
S275="COM+, DTC, MSMQ and SENS"
S276="COM+ Provides support for developing and deploying distributed, component-based applications. System Event Notification tracks system events such as Windows logon, network, and power events. Distributed Transaction Coordinator coordinates distributed transactions betweeen multiple clients, servers, and resource managers. Message Queuing Provides guaranteed message delivery, efficient routing, security, and transactional support. Use with caution !"
S278="Enables ClipBook Viewer to store information and share it with remote computers."
S279="Manual Install and Upgrade"
S280="Abillity to install Windows by running Winnt32.exe within another Windows. Abillity to upgrade older version of Windows to this one, without loosing installed programs and settings. If you install your Windows by booting from cd select this for removal."
S281="Search Assistant"
S282="That annoying animated dog in the search Window."
S284="Main gaming component in Windows. If removed you won't be able to play games (almost any), but you can install newer version of DirectX, if available."
S285="Synchronization Manager"
S286="Using Synchronization Manager, you can control when your offline files are synchronized with files on the network."
S288="Performs basic arithmetic tasks with an on-screen calculator."
S289="Таблица символов"
S290="GUI for inserting special symbols and characters into documents."
S291="Images and Backgrounds"
S292="Wallpapers and game controller images."
S293="просморт картинок и факсов"
S294="Provides quick preview of pictures and faxes. Be careful, you will lose User Pictures (avatars) support if removed. And someone reported that his User menu disappeared."
S295="Указатели мыши"
S296="Дополнительные указатели мыши."
S298="Простой редактор и вьювер картинок."
S299="Поддержка голосового управления"
S300="Support for speech aware applications (you can always download and install if needed)."
S301="Windows Time"
S302="Maintains date and time synchronization on all clients and servers in the network. If this service is removed, date and time synchronization will be unavailable."
S303="Performance Logs and Alerts"
S304="Collects performance data from local or remote computers based on preconfigured schedule parameters, then writes the data to a log or triggers an alert. This will remove System monitor as well."
S305="IPSEC Policy Agent"
S306="Manages IP security policy and starts the ISAKMP/Oakley (IKE) and the IP security driver. This will not remove IPSEC driver."
S307="Восстановление системы"
S308="Performs system restore functions. Abillity to revert Windows to the previous state. It's a drain on resources if you know what you're doing. If you want to keep it, it's dependable on Internet Explorer, Help and Agent. Virtual printers depend on it and some real printers too, Konica Minolta PagePro 1350W for example."
S309="Скрипты администратора на VB"
S310="Administrator Visual Basic scripts for some tasks like pagefile size or event query. If you never used them, you can remove them."
S312="Help tour to demonstrate some Windows abillities and Win2k Welcome screen on first boot."
S314="If you install your drivers for this component after installing Windows, or you don't install it at all, it's recommended to select."
S315="Java Virtual Machine"
S316="If you are using SUN's Java then it's recommended to select for removal. Otherwise you won't be able to execute java templates(common plugins on web sites)."
S317="Образцы музыки"
S318="Song from David Byrne - 'Look into the eyeball' and two sample songs."
S319="Windows Media Codecs"
S320="This will remove the codecs for wmv,wma and asf multimedia files."
S321="Windows Media Player"
S322="Windows Media Player and old Media Player 6.4 . When removed to install newer you need to extract the setup files and right-click the inf files and click on Install. Then re-run setup."
S324="Microsoft ACPI-Compliant Control Method Battery, HID UPS Battery Driver. Don't remove if you use this installation on laptop or notebook."
S325="Firewire (1394)"
S326="If you install your drivers for this component after installing Windows, or you don't install it at all, it's recommended to select."
S327="Management Instrumentation"
S328="One of the most important components in Windows. Many components depend on it, like driver signature support, Firewall, Internet Connection Sharing and many more."
S329="Windows Messenger"
S330="Microsoft messaging client (like ICQ)."
S332="Transmits net send and Alerter service messages between clients and servers. This service is not related to Windows Messenger. This service is often used by spammers to send you net popup message box."
S333="Movie Maker"
S334="Application for basic movie editing."
S335="Multi-port serial adapters"
S336="If you install your drivers for this component after installing Windows, or you don't install it at all, it's recommended. For example: Chase PCI-Fast 4 Port Adapter"
S337="Планировщик задач"
S338="Enables a user to configure and schedule automated tasks. It's needed for Bootvis application."
S339="Хранители экрана"
S340=" "
S342="Text editor, has little more functionality then Notepad."
S343="FrontPage Extensions"
S344="Enables authoring and administration of websites with Microsoft FrontPage and Visual InterDev."
S345="Internet Printing"
S346="TCP/IP Print Services and Internet Printer support."
S347="Звуки Windows"
S348="Default Windows Sounds Theme."
S349="Служба индексирования"
S350="Used to speed up file searching by making some kind of database, but known to slow down Windows, it's common to disable this service, so it's recommended to select for removal."
S351="Service Pack Messages"
S352="Windows Control Dialogs for different languages, use with caution if you don't have English version, otherwise you may loose specific language support for common controls."
S353="Out of Box Experience"
S354="Normaly it's started automatically on the first logon after instalation. It's purpose is support for Windows Activation and Registration, so if you don't have Corporate version of Windows, meaning you need to Activate your Windows, don't select for removal or you won't be able to Activate your Windows."
S355="Outlook Express"
S356="Default E-Mail and Usenet client. AdressBook wil be removed also. Some people say that Outlook (from MS Office) can't be installed if this component is removed. You will also lose MHT file support."
S357="Служба факса"
S358="This will remove Fax Service and Fax support. If you're planning on installing Fax on this Windows don't select this."
S359="File and Settings Wizard"
S360="Tool to transfer your settings from one Windows installation to another. Use reg tweaks instead, recommended to select for removal."
S362="Косынка, Червы, Минер, Солитер и Пасьянс Паук."
S363="Интернет Игры"
S364="Многопользовательские интернет игры: Нарды, Пики, Червы, Шашки и Реверси."
S370="Многоязыковая поддержка (папка LANG)"
S371="This is folder containing multilanguage support files. Safe to select for removal ONLY if you're using Europe or USA language version."
S374="Средства Интернет"
S375="Языковая поддержка"
S376="Be careful not to remove something related to your language or you'll end up with missing fonts during installation and possibly the inability to display certain characters."
S378="Опции операционной системы"
S381="Scanned folders in your installation that are not critical or covered in other options. Select if you don't use them."
S382="This section of components is not recommended to be removed unless you know exactly what it will cause and you don't need that functionality"
S383="Event Log"
S384="Enables event log messages issued by Windows-based programs and components to be viewed in Event Viewer. This will remove Event Viewer and also it will cause some startup delay of few seconds."
S404="Simple Network Management Protocol service that enables a Windows computer to be administered remotely with an SNMP management tool."
S427="Service Advertising Protocol"
S428="SAP provides a way for service nodes, such as file servers, print servers, and gateway servers, to register their services and addresses in a Server Information Table and have these services advertised across an internetwork."
S429="NWLink IPX/SPX/NetBIOS Protocol"
S430="NWLink IPX/SPX/NetBIOS Compatible Transport Protocol is the Microsoft implementation of Novell's Internetwork Packet Exchange/Sequenced Packet Exchange (IPX/SPX) protocol."
S431="16-bit support"
S432="By removing this you'll lose 16-bit support and probably functionality of some older installation programs like InstallShield's older version."
S433="Client for Netware Networks"
S434="Provides access to file and print resources on NetWare networks. It will remove TCP/IP6...this will be fixed later. Regular TCP/IP protocol will work properly."
S438="Tcp/Ip Version 6"
S439="IPv6 is the 'next generation' protocol designed to replace the current version Internet Protocol, IPv4. Most of today's internet uses IPv4."
S443="NetShell Cmd-Tool"
S444="A command-line scripting utility that allows you to display or modify the network configuration of the computer. If you never used NetSH then select for removal. It can increases your security since some of the malicious softvare can use this."